sabato 22 ottobre 2016

Ok, Mum: you were right!

Ok Mum, maybe you were right: languages matter. Foreign languages matter.
Nowadays we should speak two idioms more than our own, in order not to be exceptional, but just “normal” in this globalized world.

But Mum, you know, I don't like English so much… and it's your fault, actually… if you had been a Science teacher, there would be no problem by now. But you teach English, so… you can't insist on your subject becoming my favourite one. It's not in the nature of things. But, as you can see, I'm making a great effort to write all this in your beloved English.
And, in facts, I haven't understood yet perfectly which nouns are countable or uncountable… and sometimes I'm not sure about using the Present perfect or the Past simple… and I often forget the “S” after he/she/it…
But Mum, you taught me that the most important issue in language is COMMUNICATION and not grammar… or better, grammar is important, but the others can forgive you, if you make some mistakes… at the opposite they can't forgive you if you don't speak with them, if you refuse to communicate and remain in your little and safe “native-speaker world”.

Finally, I had to learn French two years ago in a decent way to appreciate the power of the languages.
Now Mum, I see this magic: I can speak with people that are not Italian… but it's not just speaking (What's your name? How old are you? The cat is on the table!), it's a real communication (from the latin comunio: stay together, put something in common… yes, latin still remains my favourite language)… indeed, it's a meeting of souls.
Most of all, if I share with someone not just one language, but two or even three… there's no wall any more! Maybe a few obstacles resist, but they are easier to overtake.
Of course, I won't never speak as many as you do, but I think you could be proud of me.

And you know Mum, what I love the most? Hearing people's voices in their own language. Yes, because all of us change our voice speaking in an other idiom! But I think that our souls still speak the language with which we were born, our family's language.
I don't know exactly how to explain it… but it seems to me that I can get to know people better. More or less, the same thing happens when you manage to read a novel or a poem in its original language: it sounds so different, deeper, so charming… in a word: better.

It hasn't been so easy, Mum (or wasn't??? Boh!!!): I'm usually a bit ashamed of speaking in an other language: I'm afraid of not being understood, I dread seeming like an idiot, since I can't find the exact word that fits in the conversation, I'm afraid not to be able to express what I'd like to… and this is quite hard, quite frustrating, to have an universe inside and can't show it by words… or just an answer, or a joke…

However, Mum, don't worry: Spanish people are quite tolerant about language, they don't insult you if you get wrong with some words… or if you try to talk with them, speaking Itagnol.

So, ultimately, maybe… yes… once in a life you were right: languages matter.

P.s. Dad, don't worry: I keep thinking Italian is the most beautiful language in the world.

Oh, Grandma and Grandpa, you too… be sure, when I come back, I'll still understand you speaking BRESCIAN dialect!

Love you all!!!